Coté Baldovino

Coté Baldovino
Licensed Practical Nurse II
Duke Children’s Creekstone
Private Diagnostic Clinic
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- Nomination Excerpts
Coté was a key player in advocating for a Clinical Ladder for Licensed Practical Nurses. He received a “Good Catch” award for recognizing a label error on an order sheet, and a Strength, Hope and Caring Award for helping a colleague who was involved in an accident and hospitalized in another town. One of Coté’s three nominations for this award was from a patient’s mom, who wrote: My son had hit a wall with allergy shots. Our nominee was warm, personable and making jokes. Afterward, my son told me they didn’t even hurt, and that our nominee was his favorite. I shared that, and our nominee said we can request him every time. I wish all children who needed medical care had a nurse like our nominee taking care of them.
Our nominee truly exemplifies honesty and accountability. He has been recognized with a “Good Catch” award for determining that an incorrect label was on a patient’s skin testing order sheet. Prior to going into the patient’s exam room, he noticed that the label was incorrect, and brought it to the provider’s attention. This allowed the correct patient to have the allergy testing and prevented another patient from having needless testing. He epitomizes integrity in every aspect of care that he provides for patients. This is manifested by his tenacity to advocate for patients and staff. He has strong moral values and principles, and he does not hesitate to seek out medical providers to share patient concerns or specific strategies for improving care and/or comfort.
He was a key player who was involved in the LPN Focus Group that advocated for a Clinical Ladder for LPNs. He submitted recommendations related to the content to be included in the Clinical Ladder. He was involved in our unit’s initiative to sign patients up for MyChart, which resulted in a >30% increase in MyChart utilization for our patients. He also led a presentation related to the “MyChart” endeavor that serves as an orientation and onboarding strategy to help new staff understand and embrace the importance of this endeavor. This innovative approach to increase MyChart utilization has changed our organizational culture and, subsequently, our unit was recognized for significant improvement in patient MyChart utilization. Our nominee is also a Certified Medical Interpreter for Spanish-speaking patients. He frequently helps interpret for patients and their families. He takes pride in Spanish interpretation to make families feel more comfortable during their tenure in the health system.
He prepared multiple “tip sheets” with easy-to-follow process flow diagrams to improve patient care and staff education/understanding/acknowledgment with easy-to-understand references. Examples include: cardiac monitor patient registration and cardiac monitor placement, and the opening and closing requirements for the individual specialties in our clinic, and for the clinic as a whole.
He improved our skin testing process by altering current testing trays to ones that were more efficient for providing patient care, as well as established a three-tray system for days with three providers in clinic.
Our nominee works well with all members of the interdisciplinary team. He has developed good relationships with our patients and their families. He is frequently seen as an advocate for his patients. There was a young allergy shot patient who was having a particularly tough time, and our nominee was facilitating the care plan developed for this patient. This nominee made arrangements to come in on his day off so that he could see the patient and sit with her during a particularly challenging visit.
Our nominee readily volunteers to help cover in other units, and he does not hesitate to help out wherever and whenever he is needed!
Our nominee jumped to the assistance of a colleague who had been involved in an automobile accident out of town and was hospitalized. He traveled to the town, picked up the staff member’s items from the hotel and brought them to the hospital. He was recognized with a Strength, Hope and Caring Award for his involvement.
Patient’s mom: My son says our nominee should win the award for excellence because he is more caring, carful, funny and patient. Our nominee takes advantage of the time in the room to build trust with his patient and family. He is genuine and kind. We need nurses who not only meet the medical needs, but do it with compassion and care to also meet the emotional needs. Our nominee does that with excellence.
Our nominee should be selected because he is the epitome of an excellent LPN who truly goes above and beyond for his patients, and he doesn’t hesitate to let them know that they deserve the highest quality of the right care at the right place and at the right time!
He is Duke Nursing.